Kugamuchirwa kumawebhusaiti edu!

Industrial Automatic Corn Flakes Extruder Corn flakes inogadzira Machine Mutengo

Tsanangudzo Pfupi

Muenzaniso: DXY65-85

Type: Corn Flake extruder muchina

Kukwanisa Kugadzira: 100-800kg/h

Voltage: 220V/380V nhanho nhatu: 380v/50hz,

Warranty: 15 mwedzi

Mushure mekutengesa Sevhisi Yakapihwa: Hupenyu hwese-mushure mebasa

Material: Simbi isina tsvina

Automation: Yakazara otomatiki

Basa: Multi-function

Certification: CE, ISO

Product Detail

Product Tags

Sumo pfupi

1. Tsanangudzo ye corn flakes processing line:

Corn flakes processing line izere otomatiki mutsara wekugadzirisa zvinhu zvinonamira pane roller, yakaderera kubuda kwemaflakes kudzvanya, yakaderera kuumbwa mwero, kuravira kwakashata uye zvichingodaro.Inonzwisisika michina collocation uye realizable process control inovimbisa mhando yepamusoro uye inonaka yechibage flakes kugadzirwa.

Corn flakes processing line inogona kuita corn flakes, coco mhete, zviyo balls, corn stars and different shapes of breakfast cereals.corn flakes processing line is not only service as breakfast cereal yakavhenganiswa nemukaka kana kofi, asiwo rudzi rwekutandara.Mamwe maumbirwo ezviyo zvakaita semhete, mabhora, chocks, curls etc. anowanikwa neiyi corn flakes processing line.

Corn Flakes Extruder(4)

2.Raw zvinhu zve corn flakes processing line:

Inotora hupfu hwechibage, hupfu hwegorosi, hupfu hwemupunga nehumwe hupfu hwezviyo nezvimwewo semidziyo

3.Capacity yecorn flakes processing line:

100-150 kg/h, 200-250 kg/h, 350-500 kg/h

4. Kuyerera kwechati yechibage chekugadzira mutsara:

Mixing system---Extrusion system----Drying system----Flavoring system--Packing system

5.Voltage muChina ye corn flakes processing line:

Zvikamu zvitatu: 380V 50HZ, Single chikamu: 220V 50HZ, tinogona kuzviita maererano nevatengi vemunharaunda yemagetsi maererano nenyika dzakasiyana.

6. Twin screw extruder's advantage nzvimbo

1.The main extruder of corn flakes processing line inotora frequency speed controling ine high automation.

2. Iyo screws ye corn flakes processing line inogadzirwa nesimbi isina tsvina uye yakakosha craft, iyo ine mukana wekushandisa kwakasimba, kudzvanywa kwepamusoro, uye hupenyu hurefu.

3.Iyo yakamanikidzwa lubrication system chibage flakes processing line(the extruder), iyo inogona kuvimbisa michina yekufambisa hupenyu hurefu.

4. corn flakes processing line(the extruder) ine Auto-temperature control system uye kuzvichenesa, izvo zvinoita kuti zvive nyore.

5. Iyo corn flakes processing line (iyo extruder) ine yakawanda yakawanda yekushandiswa uye inogona kubudisa zvigadzirwa zvakasiyana nemichina yakasiyana uye mienzaniso.

7. Nezve kuisirwa uye mushure mekutengesa sevhisi system:

a.Per-musika kutengeswa kwemushure mekutengesa mubvunzo mhinduro yechibage flakes processing line;

b.Ipa yakadzama mushure mekutengesa mirairo yechibage flakes processing line;

c.Ipa iyo-mugonhi kuisirwa, midziyo debugging, tekinoroji yekudzidziswa sevhisi yechibage flakes kugadzirisa mutsara;

d.1 Gore rakazara waranti uye yehupenyu-yenguva yekuchengetedza sevhisi yechibage flakes kugadzirisa mutsara.

Corn Flakes Extruder(3)

  • Zvakapfuura:
  • Zvinotevera:

  • Nyora meseji yako pano uye titumire kwatiri